HMB200H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Hair Cell, Inner Ear

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26 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Kolb & whishaw 5e: 14. 4 (sensory or motor training and plasticity; experience-dependent change in the. Human brain), 15. 2 (multisensory integration), 15. 5 (synesthesia; clinical focus: a case of synesthesia) Pascual-leone, a. , et al. (2005) the plastic hyman brain cortex. Midterm: tuesday february 14th 10:00am 11:15am (ex300) The brain can develop differently under different circumstances: quote implies that we change or affect the brain even by mental activity, rather than physically practicing a skill. How much can you change your brain: major sensory reorganization. Iv. (cid:862)to thi(cid:374)k is to pra(cid:272)ti(cid:272)e (cid:271)rai(cid:374) (cid:272)he(cid:373)istry. (cid:863) deepak chopra. Apl is the most scientist in the field of tms. Tms allows you to stimulate and/or inhibit brain regions non-invasively (device takes electrical current, converts it to magnetic field, into brain regions through the skull) Restricted to areas of the cortex closer to the skill. Depending on how you do the technique, you can either activate brain regions (relatively small target areas)