LAS301H1 : Notes on Fidel's History will Absolve Me Reading

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my lai massacre = attack of 500 unarmed vietnamese and its subsequent cover up. the story gives one the sense that after approaching the issue from the perspective of individual responsibility the case whitled down to one man being responsible for the entire massacre. His lack of punishment could sour the history for loads of people. Obstacles in trying those who left the army made it hard to prosecute the problem. african countries are considered critical actors for the icc. the operations of the icc are involved in ongoing conflicts. the icc prosecutor runs the risk of intensifying violence in national conflicts should he bring the world"s eye upon the conflict by pursuing the ongoing cases. article 16 of the united nation security council they can defer investigation for a year (renewable) article 53 states that the prosecutor may assess if an investigation would serve justice or not.

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