MGY277H1 Final: MGY277 Exam Guide

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Unit 1: germ theory of disease causing the disease. contaminated water pump on broad street. birth in hospitals at the time. He noted that two clinics in the hospital had starkly different mortality rates. The one with the doctors killed more patients than the clinic run by midwives. He noticed that doctors performed autopsies on dead patients and then attending deliveries of babies sometimes with water after performing autopsy and before delivering baby. The infection rate of childbed fever (puerperal fever) then dropped. Edward jenner developed the use of cowpox as a vaccine against smallpox. John snow mapped the cases of cholera in london to determine that the infection came from a. Childbed fever typically killed women who gave blood still on their hand (cid:523)midwives didn"t perform autopsy(cid:524). (e said to wash your hands with bleach and. Agostino bassi first person to demonstrate that microbes can cause disease.