MGY277H1 Final: Sample-Questions-MGy

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Agostina bass: the following scientists made their contributions without even knowing that they were dealing with microbes ______and________ (semmelweis, jenner and. The cell wall of mycobacteria contains high concentrations of mycolic acid (waxy fatty acid that prevents uptake of dyes), thus harsh methods are needed: what stain works best for mycobacteria, acid-fast stain. You want to see where a certain protein is located within a cell, which microscopy technique would you use? (choices: dark-field, bright- field, fluorescence, immunofluorescence, transmission em, scanning. Em: fluorescence microscopy, what are the advantages and disadvantages of light vs. electron microscopy, disadvantages of using electron vs light microscopy. No colour, no movement: advantages of using electron vs light microscopy. Much better resolution; can be used to resolve details at much higher magnification (can even be used to visualize individual proteins or. Light microscopy is limited to 0. 2 micron because of the light wavelength. Electrons have much shorter wavelength: light microscope.