POL101Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada Pension Plan, Eastern Canada

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8 Oct 2017

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Sept. 21 - democracy: good or bad? (kaplan & sen) The spread of democracy, mirroring the spread of christianity during the 4th century, may prove to be worse off for the planet. Fail of communism says nothing about the long term sustainability of democracy. Despotism(absolute power) should be most feared in democratic ages because it thrives on self-obsession and security, both of which are fostered by equality. Western democracy may end up resembling the oligarchies of ancient sparta and athens more so than present day democracy. Paul a. rahe: america"s founders partly rejected ancient republics, opting instead for a regime that encouraged selfishness and materialistic instincts without a precise goal. If a societies health is not reasonable then democracy is both risky and may be disastrous. Western democracy developed out of growth, european civilization had become sufficiently complex and could support a shift in power from the aristocracy to the people, avoiding both tyranny and anarchy.