POL214Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sacrificial Lamb, Reasonable Accommodation, Egalitarianism

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Diversity politics: multiculturalism: three logics of multiculturalism, logic of ethnicity, logic of race, rejection of dualism and more multiculturalism, new shift of constitutional vision, logic of religion. It was in response to the bicultural and bilingual commission in the 60s: show how multiculturalism policy changed over time, a way to refuse quebec"s claim for nationalism, recognize cultural groups besides english and french and celebrating them. Institutional and psychological barriers: look at how women are in politics, sacrificial lamb, glass cliff. Indigenous politics: assimilation to recognition to reconciliation, demographic trends of assimilation. Indian act: what it did throughout time, residential schools, controlling band membership, controlling spiritual religious practices and resources that they could use, controlling property management, changes from the indian act to rcap, what has the government done. Is the trc enough: what are the gaps, self-government, what does this look like, court cases, calder, sparrow, tsilhqotin. Public policy: how does policy get passed, agenda setting, design of policy.