PSY210H1 : detailed note
Document Summary
Controversial figure whose many theoretical claims are undermined. Epitome of pathological framework: the way you understand cogtion/development is to see how it goes wrong to understand how it essentially works. 3 basic insights (regardless of how wrong his theoretical frameworks are, his insights are impo: idea of unconscious processing. Before: mental activity =what we are introspectively aware of. Yet no evidence that kids before 4 has any introspective ability. If there is no unconscious processing, then they must be mindless. This also accounts for our own development, as much of our development is unconscious too. You understand someone"s: believe in russel"s theory of stages, but he also that there is a causal relation between stages. the idea that development is not driven just by environment or biological disposition, but by how the 2 interact. He also proposes the mechanism of interaction: intrapsychic conflict. Different parts of the psyche are in conflict with each other.