PSY240H1 Midterm: Study guide for Term Test 2

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15 Jan 2011
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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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5 or more during the same 2 weeks: must have 1)depressed mood 2)anhedonia (lack of pleasure, appetite/sleep disturbance, psychomotor agitation/retardation, loss of energy/fatigue, cognitive distortions (feeling worthless/guilty) 3 other sxs for at least 1 week: bereavement exception, must have elevated, expansive, irritable mood, high se/grandiosity, less need for sleep, loud & rapid & Average 2-3 months pressured speech, racing thoughts, distractibility, goal- directed behaviors: at least 1 week, me and mde (rapidly alternating moods, mania for 4 days, not fully manic (not as severe) 1 or more mde without history of manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes. Dysthymia: mde + hypomanic episodes, depressed mood with some other symptoms for at least 2. Suicide years: double depression (approx 80% with dysthymia + mde, chronic, fluctuating mood disturbance (numerous hypomanic and depressive episodes, not meet full criteria for mde or me, at least 2 years, highest risk: older, male, aboriginal, www. notesolution. com. F (10-25%) m (5-12%: onset: early adulthood.