PSY336H1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

This research tells people what makes their life good: well-being could be the expecting to attain and attaining outcomes that you value, more related to being relaxed and happy. Self-determination theory: autonomy, competence and relatedness is essential for psychological growth: knows that these values can vary on culture. Psychological needs come from swb and are more for more positive affect than negative affect: use swb as an indicator, vitality results in more positive affect and eudaimonia. Those with more vitality have higher swb and less negative physical symptoms: can use hierarchical linear modeling (hlm) to look at why a person was better off today than yesterday. Being happy is different than acting with integrity. Well-being: genetic factors may play a role. Extraversion and agreeableness are positively associated with swb, neuroticism is defined by negative affect. Swb is more based on intensity of positive experiences.