RLG100Y1 Quiz: Protestant Reformation, Christian Denomnations
Document Summary
Islam began in 7th century with the death of muhammed: within 100 years it takes over lands controlled by christians. Initially nothing substantive is done about it www. notesolution. com: sense that medieval christianity views holy land as having a religious right to it, but once it comes under control of islam, christian expectations change. Jewish communities suffered greatly during crusades: crusades very significantly left lasting legacy of mistrust b/w christianity and. Protestant reformation: tremendous criticism of the church, e. g. practice of selling and buying of clerical orifices. October 18th, 2011: many piast people who put themselves out there to criticize practices and hold church responsible for socially and religious problematic traditions. Martin luther: gets caught in severe thunderstorm and prays to st. anne and said if he survives he"ll become a monk, he gives up his studies of law and decides to join a monastery and pursues theological education. Collect revenue for particular projects of that the church committed itself to.