SOC212H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reall, Juvenile Delinquency, Anomie

25 views4 pages
10 Nov 2015

Document Summary

Lecture: biological, early views: deviant behavior biological abnormalities/predispositions. Criminals born, not made; rehabilitation pointless: william sheldon (1949): 3 somatotypes, related to personalities. Mesomorph (muscular, active) more aggressive, than endomorphs (slow, soft), or ectomorphs (lean, fragile) Modern version: bmi as indicator of prone towards violence: genetic explanations, chromosome patterns. Xxy syndrome = super-male taller, more aggressive, violent. Has legal precedence: brain studies suggest lobotomy as cure for deviance behavior. Chemical imbalance due to diet = diminished capacity for rational thoughts (twinkie defense: biological factors usually limited explanation than social/cultural, psychological, roots in sigmund freud"s id, ego, superego, linked personality traits to crime & deviance. Result: blame individual rather than social structure. Ignore role social power in defining deviance: structural perspective explain crime & deviance w. r. t structure of society, outside the influence of an individual, structural functionalism (durkheim, 2 factors for society that generate high vs. low crime/deviance, Differential opportunity structure some groups greater political powers, economic access.