SOC101Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hostile Work Environment, Penis Envy, Social Constructionism

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20 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Chapter 4 gender and sexuality - glossary. Compulsory heterosexuality the assumption that individuals should desire only members of the opposite sex . Essentialists observe male-female differences in sexual scripts, the division of labour at home and in the workplace, mate selection, sexual aggression, jealousy, promiscuity, fidelity, and so forth. They then interpret these differences as natural and universal naturally from biological differences between the sexes. Gender encompasses the feelings, attitudes, and behaviours that are associated with being male or female as conventionally understood. Gender identity comprise the repertoire of behaviours that match widely shared expectations about how males and females are supposed to act a sense of biological, psychological and social belonging to a particular sex. Gender role to act in accordance with expectations about how members of their gender are supposed to behave. Hostile environment sexual harassment involves sexual jokes, comments and touching that interfere with work or create an unfriendly work setting.