SOC101Y1 Midterm: good notes for 2nd test

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13 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Your sex depends on whether you were born with distinct male or female genitalia and a genetic program that released either male or female hormones to stimulate the development of your reproductive system. Gender comprises the feelings, attitudes, and behaviors associated with being male or female. Identification with, or sense of belonging to, a particular sex biologically, psychologically, and socially is known as gender identity. People adopt a gender role when they behave according to widely shared expectations about how males or females are supposed to act. Transgendered: gender identity does not exactly match the sex assigned to them at birth. Transsexuals identify with the opposite sex from that assigned to them at birth, causing them to change their appearance or resort to a sex-change operation. Transgendered people represent a problem for most people only cuz our society does not recognize the validity of intermediate sexes.