SOC101Y1 : study guide
Document Summary
Bc quantitative analysis is if , end up with correlation, correlation not be meaningful at all just coincidental not cause and effect and explaining is where u make the link, Defn, inconspicuous or not noticeable, not dealing with people directly, observation not meaningful unless you have more information on those who you observing. Book looks at archival records but look at newspaper researches, since 1990 newspapers enter stories databases that universities subscribe to, new york times all articles from. A lot of archives around, organization in ontario, 200 institutional member of the archives institution of ontario, A lot of archives or public, public archival data actuarial records such as death and births, and official documentary records, actuarial generated by insurance and or accounting agencies. Private archives solicited or unsolicited documents created for specific audiences, home movies, artistic and creative artifacts. Articles look at source material used, such as books unpublished manuscripts and special publications,