SOC101Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chain Gang, Penology, Nuclear Family

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Garland: punishment is a pattern of cultural expression and logic of social control. Brown: punishment is a spectacle, a mater of social relations. Essentially punishment is about the infliction of pain and exclusion, a form of cultural labor perpetuated everywhere. Identify and explain 2 main theoretical frameworks for understanding the role of punishment in society. Provide specific examples from the readings to explain your answer. Foucault"s focus on punishment as a system of power and regulation which is imposed upon a population. Durkheim: punishment as irrational unthinking emotion that is expressive and symbolic. The urge to punish is an emotional reaction which flares up at the violation of cherished social sentiments. Explain the role of the examination and the productive aspect of disciplinary power. The focus is on reforming bodies by training them and mastering them so they become conformists, obedient and useful i. e. docile.