[PSYC 231] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (35 pages long)

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Document Summary

Psych 231 lecture 1 : introduction to social psychology. What we see and how people behave; what is the thinking and thought process. Who we are and who we are as a person. Surrounding circumstances and how they shape people into who they are. Context is everything: to be able to see people in a different light. Different pictured come to people"s mind depending on the circumstances that they"ve gone through in their past. Dr. zimbardo [video] overture of the course, psychology of evil . Human nature: how people are shaped, universal thought of good and bad. Psychological definition of evil is about power. There are no definitive points of view; everyone had their own opinion and their own experiences. The evolution of the field of social psychology moves on as people question the terms given to them. Anyone can cross the line between good and evil.