Biochemistry 3381A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hepatitis B Vaccine, Hbsag, Kupffer Cell

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Hav: faeco-orally transmitted picornavirus (genus hepatovirus) infectious hepatitis . 1 orf: cleavage of polyprotein c. 30nm icosahedron seen by em 1970. Ingest infected material prevent w: good hygiene esp. food prep, clean water + sanitation (sewage / excreta treatment, vaccine introduced 1992: now 2, live attenuated replicates but no disease, 95% long term protection. Secreted from liver in bile > faeces: shed for c. 2 months post-infection. Present w/ jaundice; fever, fatigue, diarrhoea, elevated liver enzyme alt in plasma: last 2-6 weeks. 90% infected children asymptomatic: 80% infected adults acute hepatitis. Hbv: hepadnavirus acute or chronic serum hepatitis remember may aslo cause. 50% liver cancers associated: preceded by cirrhosis chronic damage by inflammation / fibrosis. 300m worldwide chronically infected: hcc risk plus can transmit. Small 42nm diameter- dna virus reverse transcriptase. Envelope + viral glycoprotein hbsag: can survive over a week outside of host. Also 22nm lipoprotein particles (envelope plus hbsag) abundant in chronic patient plasma.