Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Syncytium, Transposable Element, Gene Expression

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Nerve cells once again are formed from the cells that are on the outside- ectoderm. Additionally, the nerve cells are moving into the interior from the ventral side (not the dorsal side like in vertebrates) Qualities that make drosophila as an important model system: Larger than c. elegans, but smaller than vertebrate embryos. This means that some transplantation experiments have been done (but nothing like on the same scale as xenopus) the experiments on drosophila only really moved the cytoplasm around within the syncytial embryo and had a look what the consequences are. Introducing dna to manipulate the genome of the animal in order to do this, dna is injected into the posterior region of syncytial embryo, before the pole cells have formed and so the dna goes into those pole cells. Specifically the dna you want to introduce is firstly cloned in a p-element in drosophila, and is cloned into that using conventional bacteria work.