Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Osmotrophy, Unicellular Organism, Protist

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Protists is not valid in molecular based phylogeny so it is not in italics even though they were all put together in the five-kingdom classification system as protista" or protoctista": the flagellates. Protists with flagella used for movement or feeding. Found in half of all major protist groups. 9 pairs of peripheral and 2 pairs of central tubes but there is wide variation in structure. Bodo a genus of grazing flagellate common in coastal waters. Have a shorter flagellum that propels particles into its mouth and a longer flagellum for movement: bicosecids. Have a smooth flagellum to anchor the cell to substrate. Highly compact genome with very little non-coding dna: choanoflagellates. Have complicated feeing mechanism- create water current with their flagella that sucks organisms in that they and then feed on: dinoflagellates. Have a transverse flagellum that encircles the cell in a groove and a longitudinal posterior flagellum characteristic of spinning motion.