Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tata-Binding Protein, Tata Box, Consensus Sequence

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Tata binding protein (tbp subunit) = recognizes the tatabox. Tf2h = unwinds dna at the transcription starting point, phosphorylates the tail of the polymerase thereby activating and releasing it from the promotor. Tata is most common consensus sequence in rna polymerase ii promotors. Initiation: tbp detects and binds tata box, other proteins (rna pol ii too) assemble at promotor, transcription initiation complex, tf2h opens dna, tf2h phosphorylates ctd, rna pol ii releases from transcription initiation complex, rna pol ii starts transcription. The result of the transcription is pre-mrna and has to be further processed. Ctd tail of rna pol ii binds enzymes for capping, splicing and polyadenylation, thus coordinating their activity with transcription progress. 5" capping: enzymatic 5"-to-5" linkage between 5" end of transcript and 7-methyl guanosine so there"s no 3 phosphor hanging loose at the end. Splicing, takes out the introns (junk rna, not coding) Nucleotide sequences in rna indicate splice sites, consensus sequence is primary determinant for splicing.