Biology 1001A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Orthostatic Hypotension, Hypotension, Baroreceptor

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9 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Vasomotor center of the medulla sympathetic neuron cell bodies in the medulla receive input from baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and brain vasomotor tone - general constricted state of arterioles set by vasomotor center. Baroreceptors blood pressure receptors large arteries (carotid sinuses, aortic arch, neck/thorax arteries) send blood pressure information to vasomotor center of medulla increased pressure inhibits vasomotor center vasodilation decreased pressure --> stimulates vasomotor center - vasoconstriction. Chemoreceptors located in aortic arch and carotid arteries carotid and aortic bodies monitor oxygen and ph levels of the blood low oxygen or low ph -------> increase blood pressure, return blood to lungs quickly. Higher brain centers control on bp hypothalamus & cortex also effect vasomotor area. Measuring blood pressure vital signs - blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and body temperature auscultory method of blood pressure measurement. Sphygmomanometer wrapped around upper arm inflate above systolic pressure of brachial a. pressure released, first sounds - systolic pr. disappearance of sounds - diastolic pr.