Biology 1290B Study Guide - Final Guide: Selman Waksman, Louis Pasteur, Acanthuridae

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He was an anatomically modern human being, so why is the founder of the science of immunology. 1898-1968, born in australia antibiotics: gerhardt domagk. developed the first sulfa drug in 1932, sir alexander fleming. Cells and taxonomy: e. coli bacterium is about a micron long so a million of them form a line a metre long; a cell of bakers yeast (a fungus) is about 10-15 microns in diameter. The prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes perform similar functions but differ in the chemical nature of their lipids, carbohydrate, and protein components: the bacterium sulfur pearl of namibia(thiomargarita namibiensis) is the largest prokaryotic organism known to science. And are defined on the basis of not having a nucleus, Prokaryotes are much smaller than eukaryotes. prokaryotes do not have membrane bound organelles, prokaryotic cells have a none membrane bound single circular dna chromosome in a region called the nucleoid,