Business Administration 2257 Study Guide - Final Guide: Retained Earnings, Issued Shares, Letters Patent

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Includes ceo, cfo, coo, president, vice president, secretary etc: all appointed by board of diresctor. Corporation name: asset of business and cannot take name from existing corporation, last word in name must include ltd, corp, inc etc, must not denote association with the crown. Ipos: why do companys go public, raise capital, get financing, attract good people. Certificate of incorporation: methods of incorporation, royal charter, letters patent, letter to a government requesting to incorporate, this system replaced royal charter, special act. Incorporated for special purposes i. e. public or quasi public purposes, for example contruction: general act, can be used today instead of letters patent, need to use two forms of general act. Types of shares: common shares, give common share holder the right to vote at meetings, may receive cash dividend at the discretion of the board of directors, value is based on stock market activity. Entry for selling shares above the stated value: