Business Administration 3300K Quiz: Session 3 - Chasing the hottest IT-Efffects of IT Fashion on Organisations, Wang

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Mis session 3: chasing the hottest it: effects of information technology. Fashion on organisations: introduction, new it emerges quickly question: will be widely adopt or just a passing fad (short fashion period) It fashion: transitory collective belief than an information technology is new, efficient, and at forefront of practice: aim of paper: examine organisational consequences of it fashion, hypotheses. H1: organisations gain in reputation when they are informally associated with it in fashion. H2: organisations gain in reputation when they adopt and implement it in fashion. Supported external legitimacy: companies considered more reputable when linked to it fashion even if these lead to sagging performance. H3: organisational leaders are compensated more when their organisations are informationally associated with it in fashion. H4: organisational leaders are compensated more when their organisations adopt and implement it in fashion. Supported internal legitimacy: firm increases it fashion association by 1%, ceo"s compensation increases by 0. 27% next year.