Classical Studies 2500A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pyrgi, Carbon-14, Olive Oil

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Unit one: introduction to archaeological terminology, practice & dating. Chapter 1 cayonu (all of chapter one ) do(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:374)eed to k(cid:374)o(cid:449) all su(cid:271) phases of cayo(cid:374)u. Chapter 2 early sumerian cities (focus on 30-40) Chapter 3 in syllabus (61-65 ** focus on ) Look @ mauri + stella of harambe forget about cassites. Stone age: paleolithic (old stone age, epipalaeolithic (middle stone age, neolithic (new stone age. Greece 3100 bc 330 ad (roman period 146 bc onward) Broader (cid:271). (cid:272) there (cid:449)ere(cid:374)(cid:859)t histori(cid:272)al re(cid:272)ords pre(cid:448)iously. Carbon dating: used to determine neolithic era times: determines date +/- 200 years etc. Dates such as archaic period (753-509(cid:895) (cid:862) myth histori(cid:272)al dates(cid:863) dates come through to us via romans. Romans counted years in terms of political leadership, then dates after founding of city. Non sedentary: painting on walls, hunting artifacts (bones, points etc. ), post holes in ground i. e. from living arrangements (wood deteriorates but leaves hole)