Classical Studies 2903A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Severan Dynasty, Severus Alexander, Chariot Racing

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The source claims to be have written by 6 authors a century after the time we are dealing with. Written by one author 150 years later. Wonder about its reliability if he wont take responsibility for his writing. From spain, family settled in italica, left italica when he was 15 to rome but his accent made it clear he was a foreigner. His great great grandfather was a senator. Good career as a senator, followed trajan around and married trajans grand niece. Commanded the 1st legion in the dacian war. Governor of syria when trajan died, he was favoured by trajan and trajan wife platina. Historian is dependant upon his autobiography and an earlier historian. He was born on jan 24, 76 ce. Family has settled in italica in 206 ce. Once he left at 15, ended up going to rome people made from of his accent and sounded like a provincial and foreigner.