Computer Science 1033A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Tim Berners-Lee, Webcam, Sense

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COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Multimedia overview: define multimedia, types of media found in multimedia, uses of multimedia, history of multimedia. Text overview: text fonts/attributes, design principles, poster analysis, q: what are the 5 multimedia components, a: text, imagines, animation, sound, video. Is fast: directly see people (i. e. webcam, skype) 1991 www world wide web (tim berners lee) Introduction to text: text can be used to serve two purposes, 1. Visual impact: change the look of your webpage by changing, text attributes (colour, font, size, design/layout/placement (bullets, aligned, placement) Text attributes: emphasis can be added by varying the text attributes, font type ex. Font types: tails, script, body paragraphs (eye follows this type much easier, times roman, courier new, century schoolbook. Proportional fonts: no tails, block-oriented, headings, titles (things stand out in texts like this, arial, verdana, helvetica, comic sans ms, monospaced: each character takes up the same amount of space on a line (ex.