Economics 1021A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Climate Change Mitigation, Ocean Acidification, Ecological Collapse

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ECON 1021A/B Full Course Notes
ECON 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Manifesto": how does one achieve a sustainable future according to the. Believe in the ideal that humanity must shrink its impacts on the environment. Reject the ideal that human societies must harmonise with nature to avoid economic and ecological collapse (decoupling being the opposite of harmonising?) People nowadays are less reliant on ecosystems that used to provide their only way of sustenance due to technologies. Human"s flourishing in all senses has affected the natural, nonhuman environments and wildlife. Paradox: humans are completely dependent on the living biosphere but they are deeply damaging the natural systems without harming themselves ( my thought: but they will eventually, in parts they already are damaging themselves: technology explains paradox. There is little evidence that human population & its economic expansion will exceed the limits to grow food or procure critical material resources in the nearer future.