Economics 2150A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Backcasting, Wicked Problem, Food Security

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ECON 2150A/B Full Course Notes
ECON 2150A/B Full Course Notes
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The problem is also about the products and even with something as simple as a milk product has a difficulty of how it is made: lca is very useful. We now aim at creating shared value. The problems are becoming bigger and bigger. Definition: scenarios are plausible, challenging, and relevant stories about how the future might unfold, which can be told in both words and number. They are not forecasts; they are about envisioning future pathways and accounting for critical uncertainties. Change: there is a lot of change in the history of products, which shows that there is potential also. Policy makers, public planning, and businesses use scenarios and also everyone else really looks at the future in a structured way (e. g. study planning) There are scenarios for different questions: long-term vs. short-term, development vs. Application: quantitative vs. qualitative: you do not have to use number, qualitative can actually be much more useful for decision making, regional vs.