Economics 3366A/B Quiz: Directive 2004:38:EC

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2: spouse (homosexual marriage depends on both host and origin ms, partner, children <21 and those that are dependant, dependant relatives at the time, art. 3 (2): facilitated entry to other family members (rahman: right to exit own ms and entry into another ms (arts. 7: residence in ms (3 months to 5 years: formalities are laid down in art. 8 registration and certificate: workers and their family members (art. 9 + 10: 3rd country national (tnc) family members: worker" defined by eu case law (hoekstra) Directive after the 3 months expire, possible to stay by showing that one is looking for work: those falling under art. 12 + 13 important as well: dealing with tncs: potential cases of divorce with a factor of domestic violence, art. 7 (1a): self-employed persons and their families: art. 8 still deals with the formalities and arts. 9 + 10 for family members: self-employed persons defined in jany.