Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Simon & Garfunkel, Singh Bandhu

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29 directive]: public policy, public security, art. 27: one may not be expelled or refused entry for economic ends: however, these justifications apply for those residing on the basis of. Tncs: family members of eu nationals have rights to entry and residence, nationals of states with which the eu has partnership agreements, turkey, russia, this may lead to long-term residence status for such people (directive. 2003/109/ec: there are certain integration tests for such persons (restricted free movement) Eu law seeks to eliminate barriers that may result from: direct discrimination/distinctly applicable measures, indirect discrimination/ indistinctly applicable measures. Relevant case law: groener, allue & coonan: non-discriminatory measures that nonetheless hinder market access. But for who: article 45 tfeu -> workers. Article 45(3) -> public policy, public security, public health as possible justifications: article 49 tfeu -> self-employed, article 56 tfeu -> service-providers.