Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Social Contract, Jeremy Bentham, Ronald Dworkin

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Stone (civil liberties and human rights 2014 p4) says: it might be argued that. Human rights" provide an overall framework of freedoms within which the more specific civil liberties" can operate. In that sense human rights become more fundamental than civil liberties - richard stone, human rights and civil liberties. Suggesting that civil liberties have a lower status than human rights potentially more flexible and easily changed. Rights given effect by the european convention, if in conflict with civil liberties, will prevail. Determining what a right is has importance because: The concept of rights is strong referring to an individual"s right" is used to give force to a specific argument. Rights exist outside a positive legal system (finnis) e. g. nazi regime was a. Pls which created a set of rules with aims, however this was not moral. Can define the relationship between individuals and the state.