Geography 1400F/G Final: Exam Notes

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Growing inequality is one of the biggest social, economic and political challenges of our time - the. The condition or an instance of being unequal or uneven. Wealth (remember this is broader than income) Social and basic necessities of life (e. g. food, water, etc. ) Large gap between urban and rural incomes. Civilization developed in some areas and not others. Diamond (1997): agriculture technology spread easier in regions with an east-west alignment than north- south due to similar climatic conditions. Guns, germs and steel enabled europeans to dominate those they came into contact with. Basic geographic circumstances give societies the ability to spread globally and dominate others. Correlation between physical geography and human patterns (distribution, density, etc) Physical geography is related to development and inequality. Proximity to coast lines (access to water) Temperate areas 100km of sea-navigable waterways produce 50%+ of global economic output although they account for only 8% of inhabited area of the globe.