Geography 2010A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Narwhal, Ecological Niche, Boreogadus Saida

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Benthos may be highly productive in arctic waters, particularly below areas of high surface productivity like polynyas. Other areas of high productivity like mixing zones (temperate and arctic) support rich benthos. Unlike aquatic systems, benthic fauna are not limited to shallows. In the ocean, you can find them very deep: this is because surface areas deliver energy in the form of organic sediment falling to the bottom. Leads to considerable diversity of organisms when compared to deeper conditions. High surface productivity results in reliable sedimentation of organic material to the deep ocean to support benthic food webs. These deep food webs are important for many bottom-feeding mammals, fish and sea birds: large mammals on the surface will dive to benthic communities to feed. Typical benthic organisms include bivalves, barnacles, nematodes, gastropods and amphipods. Crustaceans include prawns, crabs, (including king, red and snow crab), scallops and several mollusks.