[Geography 2011A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 26 pages long Study Guide!

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Ontario: iroquois word for lake ontario, sparkling water , rocks standing by the water . Toronto: also a native word, tarantou= place of meeting . 2nd largest province: 1, 068, 582 km2. Physically huge (northern most point to southern most point) Bounded by water on the west, north, and south. Ontario lies (predominantly) in 2 natural regions: canadian shield (laurentian plateau, interior plains and lowland. Further west you go, the flatter the land is. Majority of the population lives in the great lakes lowlands. Majority of the province is canadian shield. South of the red line drains into the great lakes (rain water) North of the red line drains into the hudson"s bay. Best summed up by 3 words: rocks, lakes, forest. What you would see if you flew over the canadian shield. Rock: igneous and metamorphic, between 1. 5 and 3. 5 billion years" old.