Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prospect Theory, Risk Perception, Tornado Watch

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Why is there low frequency of earthquakes in the atlantic ocean: few subduction zones. An example of a natural service function: volcano creating new land. What is true about hurricanes: most common on atlantic in canada. What type of patterns of choice says that the disasters consequences are too low: absorb. Which had significant results from the dake study: cultural. Increase in population density and increase in urbanization. Kyoto is about: reducing green house gases. What is incorrect about the indian ocean tsunami of 2004: took less than an hour to reach farther cities. Fill in the blank (14 of 14 questions) All else equal, factor causing the most landslides: relief. Negative images associated with people, tech, or places: stigmatization. Name 2 reasons why documenting disaster is so hard (lecture 2 slide 1) Purposeful vs. incidental adjustments difference and give examples. Explain the types of cultural worldviews influencing risk perception of technology.