History 2403E Study Guide - Final Guide: Maximilien Robespierre, Counter-Revolutionary

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Rights of the revolution: the arguments presented to extend full rights to women are that neglect for women is the sole cause of public misfortunes and governmental corruption. I think she was executed because though her ideas were in line with revolutionary thought she posed a threat to the general way of life and the. Jacobins were worried that it was too quick and too radical a change. France became a safer place more and more moderates defected and. Robespierre was charged as attempting to set up a dictator. The directory: following the fall of the jacobins france fell into the hands of the republican. Centre who were the people who had remained quiet during the jacobin period. A new constitution was drafted factoring the educated property owning citizens called the rule of the directory. At the top of the new political system were five directors chosen by the house of parliament.