Health Sciences 1002A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Structural Violence, Distributive Justice

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Health sciences final social suffering and structural violence. An extreme form of suffering that is experienced by groups or entire popn"s of people who experience a violation of basic human rights. It is recognized when there are extreme/disproportionate levels of disease, malnourishment, morbidity, mortality, maternal mortality (do not have adequate health care resources). People who experience social suffering exist at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder: structural violence. A form of violence which corresponds w/ the systematic ways in which social structures and/or institutions kill people slowly by preventing them from meeting their basic human needs. Systematically denying some people of their basic needs constitutes a violation of human rights. Causes social suffering, and is linked to conflict and violence. Paul farmer popularized the idea of fixing the issue of structural violence: constrained agency. Occurs when the ability for humans to make choices is constrained by social systems.