Health Sciences 2300A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stapes, Jugular Vein, Transverse Plane

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Hollow and thin but even eggshells can be strong! The design and how it articulates is what makes it strong as there is a distribution of force. Joined by sutures (articulating points: not stitches but fibrous joints, synarthrodial. Designed for very little movement vs. amphi- (limited movement) and di- (lots of movement) Contains foramina for passage of nerves and vessels to and from the inside and outside of the skull. Def"n foramen: a hole that is completely surrounded by bone. Cranial bones make up a component of the cranial cavity, facial bones do not. Muscles and ligaments join to mastoid and styloid processes. Sella turcica is a space in the lesser wing and it means turkish saddle . Makes up the top of the nasal cavity. Perpendicular plate and superior/middle nasal concha increase the surface area of the nasal cavity"s mucus membrane to moisten, filter and warm passing air.