Health Sciences 2700A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 150 pages long!)

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H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 2 7 0 0 a / b. Lecture 2 - health, childhood & adolescence: the construction of ideas through the. Continuum childhood (cid:862)childhood is the ti(cid:373)e fo(cid:396) (cid:272)hild(cid:396)e(cid:374) to (cid:271)e in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults. Culturally constructed health (cid:862)health(cid:863: western biomedical model is a powerful driver in our understanding of what is and what is not. Culturally constructed adolescence: examples from parts of the world, different terms that are used in a similar way as. Methodology: sometimes need to work with both methods, quantitative (e. g. biomedical, epidemiological, laboratory (cid:858)fi(cid:454)ed(cid:859) o(cid:396) sta(cid:271)le setti(cid:374)g; testi(cid:374)g hypotheses; biomedical materials; animal models, surveys. It(cid:859)s also a(cid:271)out ho(cid:449) the (cid:271)od(cid:455) is u(cid:374)de(cid:396)stood i(cid:374) (cid:396)elatio(cid:374) to so(cid:272)ial ideas, representations, and individual capacities.