Health Sciences 2700A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 135 pages long!)

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H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 2 7 0 0 a / b. Lecture 1 the construction of ideas through the example of dis -ability. True or false, multiple choice, short answers, and some statistics which will come from lecture slides. It is important to make the connection between the lecture slides and the readings. Most questions on the exam will be directly related to the readings, while a bit of information will come from extra information that is provided in lecture slides. It is similar to a spectrum with many things going on in between. Similarly to childhood and adolescence there is not only one way to understand these concepts. Health is not experienced universally, and varies based on the social determinants of health. There is not one universal way of thinking about and analyzing childhood.