Health Sciences 3400A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Policy, Prescription Drug, Civil Society

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Most citizens come in contact with the health sector as patients or clients, or as health professionals. Health is affected by many other decisions in other areas - like poverty, the environment and education: policies in these areas can affect peoples health. Understanding the relationship between health and health policy can help in solving major health problems of our time. Policy: decisions taken by those with responsibility for a given policy area: can be made at many levels. Public policy: government policy or the policies of government agencies: may include policies with goals to be accomplished or policies to resolve a problem. Economist - primarily about the allocation of resources for health. Planner - a way to influence the determinants of health in order to improve public health. Doctor - all about health services and individuals. Politics cannot be divorced from health policy: most activities that impact health are subject to politics.