Health Sciences 4740A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion, Health Promotion, International Development

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Week 7: chronic disease management - learning objectives. The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Health is a resource to succeed daily. Hp is the responsibility of many sectors and goes beyond having a healthy lifestyle. Delineate the different additions made to our understanding of health promotion across the global conferences: ottawa charter of health promotion. Defined 5 areas of health promotion action. Future goals: respond to health gap, reorient health services toward hp, recognize health as a major social investment and challenge: adelaide recommendations on healthy public policy. Identified four action areas: support the health of women. Creating supportive environments: sundsvall statement on supportive environments for health. Four aspects of supportive environments: social dimension. Four public health action strategies to promote the creation of supportive environments: strengthen advocacy. Enable communities to take control over their health.