[Kinesiology 1070A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (26 pages long!)

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Process of treatment theory: placebos cause the brains to release endogenous opioids or endorphins that reduce pain (cns) showing attention, care etc. to patient, subject triggers reactions in body. New england journal of medicine (knee arthritis: osteoarthritis affects 20 million americans, arthroscopic surgery damaged cartilage is scraped (debridement) or flushed out (lavage) with the aid of a viewing scope is a common option. Etti(cid:374)g up (cid:862)pla(cid:272)e(cid:271)o affe(cid:272)t(cid:863) (cid:449)ith theat(cid:396)e to (cid:373)ake people thi(cid:374)k the(cid:455) had the surgery. Ethical- trick of fake surgery vs. fake benefits of real surgery. Insurance- will health insurance provide continued coverage to the surgery: group in scandinavia replicating these findings, expectancy and placebo affect vs actual benefits of trickery, placebos are powerful. Sport offers opportunity for development, but also to hurt ourselves. Effects of injury: health care costs, hurt to patient. Profile of someone likely to hurt themselves: class answers . In order for stress to kick in, de(cid:373)a(cid:374)ds (cid:373)ust exceed o(cid:374)e"s resource capabilities.