Kinesiology 2222A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Orbicularis Oris Muscle, Abducens Nerve, Oculomotor Nerve

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Insertion: skin superior to suborbital margin (frontalis); epicranial aponeurosis (occipitalis) Function: frontalis = raises eye brows; wrinkles forehead occipitalis = lowers eyebrows and retracts the scalp. Orbicularis oculi: origin: medial wall of the orbit. Innervation: facial nerve; cranial nerve 7: function: closes eye/winking; blinking muscle. Zygomatic major & minor: origin: zygomatic arch, functions: smiling muscles. Origin: muscle fibres surrounding the opening of the mouth. Insertion: skin at the corner of the mouth. Risorius: origin: fascia over the parotid gland. Innervation: facial nerve; cranial nerve 7: functions: blowing muscle. Insertion: corner of the mouth: origin: mandible, function: frowning muscle. There are 2 facial nerves: one on each side. Has 5 branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, & cervical. There is a protated gland: the outside of the facial nerve goes through the protated gland (salivary gland) and it secretes juices in the oral cavity it moistens the food as we break it down.