Kinesiology 1070A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stress Management, Psychological Intervention, Chemotherapy

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Three parts: injury prediction, injury prevention, injury recovery. Kurt le(cid:449)e(cid:374) (cid:894)1(cid:1013)3(cid:1012)(cid:895): (cid:862)there is nothing more practical then good theory. (cid:863) Stress response: athletes will find themselves in stressful situations from on field and off field components, for some this can lead to a stress response. Cognitive appraisal of demands: when one feels that the demands of the situation that they are facing exceeds their resource capabilities it will cause a stress response. Physiological demands: when one is stressed, they will experience certain body sensations such as accelerated heart rate, breathing changes, increased perspiration, and tight neck muscles. Attentional: focus is pointed at one thing that is stressing them out. Similar to a camera lens; looking at the big picture becomes more difficult. Individual is blindsided by the injury; instead of being ready for a hit or ta(cid:272)kle they are fo(cid:272)used o(cid:374) (cid:449)hat is stressi(cid:374)g the(cid:373) out.