Kinesiology 1080A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Parietal Lobe, Postcentral Gyrus

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Kin was learning about getting people to an elite level of sport performance (sepak takraw) Brain and the spinal cord (central nervous system) * how the cns interacts with skeletal muscle: extrafusal muscle bre = skeletal muscle bre that produces power, walking using extrafusal muscle bres to propel. Pallidotomy (used to treat the symptoms of parkinson"s disease: walks off surgeons table, takes around 6 hours to map out brain, normally would be very rigid, listening to individual cell activity. Sounds were used to identify different types of cells in the brain. Speci c cells that will re when you move your arm forward (won"t re if you move to the side) Identify when its safe for an athlete to return to play. * coup injuries are less likely to occur at the front of the skull because facial bones will act as an airbag to lessen the impact on the frontal lobe: broken bones absorb a lot of the force.