Kinesiology 2032A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Random Number Generation, Randomized Controlled Trial, Random Permutation

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Attempt to manipulate an independent variable and see if there is an effect on the outcome or looking at an outcome and working on an intervention to get people to do more. Difficult to manipulate exercise and physiology in long term manner; epidemiology allows us to do this: can control an acute session (3-5 days) with experiment. Three criteria must be present: cause must precede the effect in time, cause and effect must be correlated with each other, correlation between cause and effect cannot be explained by another variable. Used to test whether one health care intervention is superior to another. Described in terms of testing drugs, but can investigate different types of health care (e. g. benefits of exercise and pa) Focus is on the outcome of the treatments. Refers to whether it works in people who have received it (non-practical)