Kinesiology 2230A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Carotid Sinus, Blood Doping, Myofibril

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Pulmonary systems: this system is involved in the uptake portion of vo2, also, involved in the removal of co2, thermoregulation. Inspiration is active so it takes longer than expiration: because of elastic tissue relaxing. Inspiration: the pressure in the lungs is less than the atmosphere: this creates a gradient the air flows along. Intrapleural pressure: the vacuum (negative pressure) the lungs are always trying to get smaller: the pressure fluctuates but stays negative, the more negative the more it pulls on the lungs. Fick"s law of diffusion: the rate of a gas though a sheet tissue is proportional to the tissue area and the difference in gas parietal pressure between the two sides and inversely proportional to the tissue thickness. Ventilation, perfusion and dead space: non-perfused alveoli and respiratory passages where no gas exchange occurs termed dead space (vd, va = f x (vt vd) Humans: vt = 500ml, vd = 150ml/breath f = 12-15breaths/minute.