Kinesiology 4409A/B Midterm: Vulnerability & Predictability

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Kinesiology 4409 strategies & tactics in sports. You abandon space to produce time pressure; the pressure unit abandons the territory it normally protects; and in order to protect this vulnerability, another group overplays. Vacated territory can be covering a vacated person. Things that are directly observable: aspects of time pressure tactic are directly observable such as coming to the net in tennis; Coming to the net is a time pressure tactic, but it is observable; if the opponent sees that you are coming to the net, he/she can take evasive action. Linebacker position in football; based on where he is in on the football, you can predict what play is going to be run. Short set in volleyball very little time for the defenders to respond (high pressure tactic. Do(cid:374)"t gi(cid:448)e ti(cid:373)e to get i(cid:374)to positio(cid:374)) e(cid:448)e(cid:374) though you (cid:272)a(cid:374) see it, you (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t do a(cid:374)ythi(cid:374)g about it.